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G a b r i e l a  T u r a n o 

(ARG , 1 9 8 5 ) is an artist based in Berlin since 2012. She graduated in performing arts at the Escuela Metropolitana de Arte Dramático in Buenos Aires (Argentina 2005-2008). Upon finishing her studies, she continued the stage research and training with Ciro Zorzoli in Buenos Aires for four years.
Her roots began in classical and modern dance (1992-1998). years later as a performer she trained dance and movement research with Minako Seki (Berlin), Christine Bonansea (Berlin) and Rakhal Herrero (Buenos Aires) among others. She studied guitar and singing and she is part of the music project “Los Mares”since 2010. In Performing arts, dance and music she works in many projects between Argentina and Germany. She has been also working as a theater pedagogue since 2009. In this field she led art workshops for children, teenagers and adults in Argentina and Germany.


Her interest and active participation in performing arts, dance & music keep her in constant experimentation and movement.

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Villa Ballester, Argentina - ph Alejandro Turano

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